

في Airborne Systems، نقوم بهندسة وتصنيع المظلات عالية الجودة والأداء والمنتجات ذات الصلة بها للجيش وعمليات البحث والإنقاذ. ولمدة قرن تقريبًا، وضعنا معيار القدرة والجودة والأداء من خلال الهندسة والتصنيع والتدريب والخدمات على مستوى عالمي.

Airborne Systemsهي شركة عالمية توفر للسوق ولعملائها تاريخًا ومنتجات تقدمها الشركات الأربع الرائدة في صناعة المظلات في العالم. وليس لدى أي شركة مظلات أخرى الموارد الموجودة لدى شركة Airborne Systems.

فكل شركة داخل Airborne Systems توفر مجموعة متنوعة من فرص الوظائف والتطور المهني والفوائد الشاملة التي تتيح لشركة Airborne Systems جذب أهم أصولهم والاحتفاظ بهم، وهم رأس المال البشري.

تعال وانضم إلى هذا الفريق الناجح والمحترم والمتطور. إننا نرحب بالعاملين في الجيش الراغبين في تغيير وظائفهم لاكتشاف الفرص المتاحة في شركة Airborne Systems.

Airborne Systems هي جهة عمل تقدم فرصًا متكافئة وستتم دراسة جميع المتقدمين لشغل الوظائف من المؤهلين للتوظيف بدون النظر إلى العرق أو اللون أو الدين أو النوع أو الأصل القومي أو حالة الإعاقة أو حالة قدامى المحاربين المحميين.

المقاول الاتحادي التابع لقانون إعادة تأهيل محاربي فيتنام القدامى (VEVRAA)

الوظائف المتاحة

Pennsauken, New Jersey

(English) This position completes all or any combination of, tasks required for assembly of line sets and associated parts as well as inspection of line sets and related parts for parachutes. Machinery and tools used for such tasks includes rulers and other standard measuring devices as well as automatic bartackers.
(English) The Quality Inspector completes all or any combination of, inspection and/or testing tasks required to ensure that manufactured items conform to company and industry quality standards as well as to contract specifications when required.  These duties generally require a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail as well as moderate to heavy lifting.
(English) Provides expertise for the design, development and improvement of new and existing parachutist oxygen products and high-pressure oxygen systems as well as assisting the O2 department for training, maintenance and servicing worldwide. 
(English) Completes a combination of the sewing functions required to assemble the raw materials for the manufacture of the parachutes and/or related parts, in a reasonable period of time and in accordance with company quality standards. This position requires a skilled operator comfortable working with difficult, awkward materials and capable of using standard measuring tools. Daily duties will include the operation of any or all of the following sewing/other machines, both manual and computer driven automatic: all gauge double needle, single needle, bartackers, zigzag and merrow/overlock.
(English) Supports and facilitates the efficient preparation and execution of shipments from Airborne Systems facilities and assists with the coordination of shipment logistics to and from Airborne Systems partner sites. Assists with overall warehouse operations, receiving and stowing, picking and packing, shipping, and documentation. Monitors the safety and security of goods and materials. Ensures shipping protocols and documentation meet required regulatory requirements for hazardous materials (DOT/HAZMAT) or special handling.

Santa Ana, California

(English) The QC Inspector completes all or any combination of, inspection and/or testing tasks required to ensure that manufactured items conform to company and industry quality standards as well as to contract specifications when required. These duties require a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail.
(English) Provides critical support to all HR department functions and is the primary point of contact for all employee communication. Serves as administrator for several essential human resources functions and workforce management, including recruitment, employee/labor relations, health and safety, compensation, benefits, training, diversity, employment engagement, leave and attendance tracking, payroll, and employee records.
(English) Sewing of single parts in preparation for the assembly and functions required in the manufacture of parachute system components, sewing to assemble the raw materials for the manufacture of the parachutes and/or related parts in a reasonable period of time and in accordance with company quality standards. This position requires a skilled operator comfortable working with different types of difficult, awkward materials and capable of using standard measuring tools. Daily duties will include the operation of manual and/or computer driven automatic sewing machines.