Airborne Systems Embraces Female Innovation for World Intellectual Property Day

26 abr 2018

“The World Intellectual Property Organization promotes innovation and creativity for the economic, social, and cultural development of all countries, through a balanced and effective international and intellectual property system.” (WIPO Mission Statement)

Today, April 26th 2018, is World Intellectual Property Day. The theme this year is “Powering change: Women in innovation and creativity”. Here at Airborne Systems, we have a remarkable team of women influencing aerospace technology through innovative engineering. In honor of World Intellectual Property Day, we want to share the story of our talented, young engineer, Catherine Mollmann. For the past five years, Catherine, better known as “Cat” by her colleagues, has embraced challenges and demonstrated her ability to innovate across multiple areas of engineering. Cat has worked on designs within Airborne System’s Space and Recovery department as well as aiding in the production of our state-of-the-art RA-1 and Hi-5 ram air parachute systems. As part of her commitment to her profession, she also skydives to test our designs for women and small stature jumpers. Now at 219 jumps, Cat is on track to be a valuable test jumper at Airborne Systems. Sometimes innovation requires a woman bold enough to jump out of an airplane with a parachute she made herself.

We did a short interview with Cat to see what advice she has for other young women working hard to create innovation. She says not to get hung up with school. Real world experience is the key to success. “Get out there and network, take internships, and embrace the challenges of a competitive environment” explained Cat. Do not be afraid to jump in and see where you land or, in this case, jump out!

Cat is just one of many Airborne System’s talented, innovative, and creative women. We’re surrounded by women blazing trails, and Airborne Systems is committed to powering the change they are leading.