(English) 100 Year Anniversary Release: 2019 Historical Calendar

19 oct 2018
(English) Pennsauken, NJ

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English.

For our October 19th release to honor our 100 year anniversary coming up in June of 2019, we have designed a calendar full of historical facts about our story over the last 100 years!

January: 1928: Leslie Irvin opens a factory dedicated solely to the production of Irving parachutes in Buffalo, NY.

February: 1963: Landing brake-parachute is developed by Irvin for SR-71.

March: 1964: Irvin produces the XB-70A Landing Deceleration System.

April: 1986: Irvin Industries develops an air droppable light weight survival kit (SKAD), containing two six-man inflatable rafts and emergency survival equipment.

May: 1996: Irvin designs and tests a cluster of 3 Ringsail parachutes to recover the Boeing EELV concept’s 20,000 lb propulsion module.

June: 1999: F-22 development aircraft successfully conducts flight tests with Irvin’s self-monitoring, pilot-actuated Spin/Stall Parachute Recovery System.

July: 2002: Para-Flite designs and produces the Advanced Tactical Parachute Systems, known as the T-11.

August: 2005: Para-Flite develops the parachute systems for first stage recovery of Falcon I commercial launch vehicle.

September: 2006: Airborne Systems competed and won the design competition for the MC-6 as the replacement for the MC-1 for the U.S. Army.

October: 2015: Blue Origin has a successful first flight.

November: 2017: The K-9 dog harness is developed.

December: 2018: Airborne Systems is awarded the contract for the Enhanced Multi-Mission Parachute System (E-MMPS) for the United States Marine Corps.

If you are interested in a 2019 calendar, contact Maria Holman at maria.holman@airborne-sys.com!